Transport Policy
Robert Skene Consulting Ltd's expertise and experience in this area includes work at both domestic and European levels. This work has usually involved working as a part of multi-disciplinary teams involving a number of partners, these have often been international in nature. In some of these studies we have been the senior partner and have lead important international studies, in others we have provided specialist advice within larger teams. As a result of this we have relationships with partners in the majority of EU Member States and with specialists in many highly specialised transport-related disciplines, enabling us to put multi-national and multi-disciplinary teams together that are tailored precisely around the needs of a specific project.
Examples of projects in which we have been involved in include the following:
- Regulatory Options for Further Market Opening for the Rail Passenger Business: a major study undertaken for the European Commission, which was project managed by our principal, Robert Skene, on behalf of a Danish-Spanish Consortium;
- Study on Publication and Availability of National Safety Rules: a major study for the European Rail Agency;
- Railway Safety Certification Study: a major study undertaken for the European Commission, in which our principal acted as Deputy Project Manager;
- Network Code Reform: junior partner to NERA and KPMG in a study for the Office of Rail Regulation, examining the economic architecture of the Network Code, which was subsequently changed along the lines recommended;
- Vehicle Identification and Registration Study: a major study examining all aspects of placing railway vehicles in service and allocating them numbers. This study was project managed by our principal.
If you have any questions, please give us a call and we would be happy to answer them.